Raising Your Palm Tree

Raising Your Palm Tree

Palm trees give a sense of fun and relaxation. Typically found in warm climates, their image makes you think of tropical climates and beaches. There is quite a bit of care put into raising a palm tree. From Palmetto to the sylvester palm jacksonville fl, here are a few tips on how to grow these sort of trees.

Picking the Right Tree

You will want to do research on what specimen will work best for your climate. Some sturdier types can withstand some chilly temperatures however some have trouble. If there is a sudden cold snap, you can wrap the trunk in blankets to keep it warm. Other kinds of palm trees thrive in sandier conditions. Sunlight is also a vital factor. Some palms need quite a bit of sunlight while others prefer shade. You will want to purchase the correct palm to ensure that it will last a long time. 

Digging Deep

When you make your purchase and bring your tree home, you will want to dig a hole for it deep enough to house the root ball. Saturate the dirt with water before you set the root ball inside and only cover the roots. The higher you bury the tree, the more chances you have of attracting fungus and rot that can harm your tree. Also keep your palm watered the first few months, starting a couple of times a week and stretching out to every few weeks. You can brace the trunk of the tree with planks of plywood to protect it from strong winds that could topple it. 

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Feeding Your Tree

You will want to keep the soil around your tree at the right balance of nutrients so that it will thrive and grow. Having too few or too much can kill it. Keeping mulch around it for at least a year will help it in check. There are also many kinds of plant food on the market that can benefit your plant. Constant tending through the first year will give it the boost it needs to root.

Pruning the Fronds

After time, some of the branches will need to be cut back so the palm can grow its best. Prune the ones near the bottom or middle and avoid the ones at the time. Removing the top branches can hurt the plant. You can also let dried out fronds fall off on their own. Snip the leaf as close as you can to the tree. 

Jackson Peters

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