Environmental Remediation Comes in Four Types

Environmental Remediation Comes in Four Types

Buying a building for your business can sometimes come with unexpected side effects. One of these must be dealt with immediately. Environmental hazards can pose serious risks to human health. Even if a prior owner should be responsible for cleaning up the pollutants, it often falls on the current building owner. There are four types of environmental remediation you should be aware of.


Water is not always visible on the surface. Groundwater flows under the building or near it. Industrial spills, runoff from farms and landfill leaks are some of the most common threats to groundwater. The water system carries these pollutants beyond the source contaminating those in other areas as well. Because of its location, groundwater contamination is difficult to remedy. You need to find construction companies in MA that handle this type of environmental remediation. The complex nature of groundwater remediation means that not all businesses handle it.

Surface Water

Surface water is more accessible, thus can cause a more immediate impact on the surrounding animals, plant life and humans. There are many ways of handling contamination in surface water. Depending on the substance causing the contamination, the contaminants may be rendered inert or removed. The most common causes of surface water contamination are still or stagnant water that breeds unwanted insects, parasites and bacteria.


While soil is part of sediment, it is its own type. Sediment consists of organic material, sand and other materials. When contaminated water flows through sediment, it leaves behind toxic chemicals. Environmental remediation of sediment often includes water remediation as well. Plants and animals are affected by both the sediment and the water contamination that then expand into the surrounding ecosystem. Quickly remedying this type of contamination is essential to prevent the spread of harmful substances.

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The building rests on soil. Humans and animals walk on the ground interacting with the contamination easily. The most common contaminants impacting soil include hydrocarbons, heavy metals and creosote. These substances negatively impact ecosystems, animal life and plants. Companies can remove soil contamination through a few different methods. Air sparging works for both soil remediation and groundwater remediation. Air is pumped into the ground and then the rising vapor is extracted removing the contaminants. The simplest method is to replace contaminated soil with clean soil but that is not always the best way to resolve the problem. Encapsulation is effective and fast. Silica is used to extract contaminants from the soil making it easier to remove. The best method to use depends on the extent of the contamination.

Jackson Peters

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