Gum Health Matters – Understanding the Role of a Periodontist in Dental Care

Gum Health Matters – Understanding the Role of a Periodontist in Dental Care

Periodontists offer a variety of treatments to prevent or treat gum disease and other dental problems. They also provide cosmetic solutions such as soft tissue grafts and dental implants.

Periodontal disease increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and respiratory diseases because harmful bacteria accumulating on teeth and under the gum line can enter your blood vessels.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Gum disease is an infection caused by bacteria in the mouth. This infection destroys the soft tissue around your teeth and can lead to tooth loss. Periodontal care involves regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the dentist for professional cleanings to remove plaque and tartar.

A healthy diet can also help prevent gum disease. It would help to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to get your body’s nutrients and maintain healthy teeth and gums. You should also avoid tobacco products and limit your alcohol consumption.

A periodontist can treat severe gum disease with a range of surgical procedures. For example, they can perform a frenectomy on the labial frenum or the lingual frenum (the bands of tissue that connect your lip to your gums). They can also treat gum recession with grafting procedures. In addition, they can place and repair dental implants. They can also treat medical complications that stem from gum disease, including heart disease, diabetes and gastrointestinal issues.

Periodontal Maintenance

While periodontists are known for treating gum disease, they are also trained to treat anything that affects your soft tissue. This includes gingivitis, a condition that leads to painful, bleeding gums but is reversible in its early stages.

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In addition, a periodontist Hicksville NY can perform various procedures to control bacterial infection in your gum pockets, including scaling and root planing (also called a deep cleaning). During this non-surgical treatment, they remove the hardened plaque and tartar below the gum line, then smooth the tooth roots to promote healing.

A periodontist can also perform a frenectomy, which corrects problems like tongue-tie by cutting the bands of tissue that connect the inside of your mouth to your lips or jaw. Periodontists can also reshape the bone and ligaments that support your teeth to prevent the formation of pockets where bacteria can hide. Lastly, periodontists can provide oral hygiene education to help you keep your gums healthy between visits to the dentist and hygienist.

Periodontal Surgery

If a general dentist determines that you need gum surgery, they will refer you to a periodontist. Periodontists specialize in treating tissue-supporting teeth, such as the gums and jawbone.

If treatment for periodontal disease is not received, it can result in tooth loss. It can also affect a person’s overall health. It has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

Gum disease can be avoided by following preventative dental care practices, which include regular dental cleanings by a general dentist and dental hygienist and daily brushing and flossing. Also, you can reduce your chance of gum disease by not using tobacco products and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. Sometimes, a periodontist in New York may need to perform gum surgery or other specialized procedures. They can also replace gum tissue and restore damaged or missing bone. They can even place dental implants and artificial tooth roots to support dental prosthetics, such as crowns or dentures.

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Dental Implants

Gum disease can be avoided by consistently flossing and brushing twice a day. In addition, it’s important to use interdental brushes (toothpick-like implements with tiny bristles at one end) to clean trapped food from between teeth. A well-balanced diet and reduction of chronic stress can also improve gum health. Smokers have up to a six times greater risk of periodontitis than non-smokers.

Additionally, periodontists have received specialized training in the implantation and upkeep of dental implants. During an evaluation, we’ll discuss your options for tooth replacement and consider your medical history to determine whether you are a candidate for dental implants.

Research has shown that many systemic diseases — including heart disease, diabetes, and auto-immune disorders — are linked to gum inflammation. A periodontist may be able to help you prevent these diseases by treating your gum disease. Please note: The Healthy Gums DO Matter toolkit distills specialist guidance on periodontal management into workable care pathways for NHS dental practices.

Jackson Peters

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